2006 Articles

Crisis of Leadership - Losing the Plot?

"THE BEST laid schemes o' mice an' men, Gang aft a-gley" ­ go oft awry. In politics, where personalities loom so large and the media glare magnifies every mishap and mistake, Robbie Burns' old saw goes double. Take the situation in Israel and Palestine.


Democracy in Jamaica - A Laughable Notion?

DEMOCRACY IS faith in collective common sense. It's a belief that fickle and short-sighted individuals will be wise en masse.

"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried," goes the famous Churchill cliché. But he also remarked that, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

Scientific Dncehall

What do dancehall deejay Elephant Man and Nature ­ the world's leading scientific magazine ­ have in common? The answer is Robert Trivers, the world famous biologist who was cited in a special issue of Time magazine as one of the 100 greatest thinkers and scientists of the 20th century. Dr. Trivers has lived on and off in Jamaica since 1967, and once described himself as "Jamaican in my soul or spirit". Recently, he and six other colleagues had a cover story published in Nature called 'Dance reveals symmetry, especially in young men'. It was based on a study done in Jamaica which used Elephant Man's Let Dem Bawl as the base music.